恭喜马来西亚卫生总监拿督诺希山荣获Certificate of Recognition and Appreciation by The World Brands Foundation by The Brandlaureate 的奖项。

马来西亚卫生总监获颁奖 Certificate of Recognition and Appreciation by The World Brands Foundation by The Brandlaureate.

恭喜他实至名归,也给前线所有医务人员一个爱的鼓励! 加油!





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原图原文 :KKM 面书专页

#COVID19: KKM and KPK received award
PUTRAJAYA, July 17, 2020-Ministry of Health Malaysia (KKM) is awarded The BrandLaureate Award - Certificate of Recognition and Appreciation by The World Brands Foundation for its role to stemme and contain the spread of #COVID19.
YBhg. Datuk Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah, Chief Director of Health also received the award of The BrandLaureate Awards - Outstanding BrandLeadership Award 2020 to recognize his leadership and the challenges that go through to encourage people to face #COVID19 through various initiatives.
These two awards have been delivered by YBhg Tan Sri Rainer Althoff, Chairman of The BrandLaureate to YBhg. Datuk Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah, Chief Director of Health at KKM Headquarters today.
Dr. Noor Hisham thanks for the award.
′′ We're not here because of popularity but what's more important is to protect the country ", he said dedicated the award to all officers in the front and behind the scenes.
KKM has performed various efforts including researching guidelines, providing training to staff, working with other ministries and planning facilities use to deal with #COVID19 infection, he said.
According to him, although now the country gets a digit of new daily case, there are still a number of cluster cases that have been identified. KKM is still working on the work of identifying, detecting and stemming the #COVID19 infection before spreading.
Dr. Noor Hisham also took the opportunity to thank the people for the patience and cooperation that has given to the forefront and authorities throughout this challenging time.
War is still not won. People are urged to obey SOP.
′′ We take care of us, We take care of our family, We take care of our community, We take care of our country ".
恭喜马来西亚卫生总监拿督诺希山荣获Certificate of Recognition and Appreciation by The World Brands Foundation by The Brandlaureate 的奖项。 恭喜马来西亚卫生总监拿督诺希山荣获Certificate of Recognition and Appreciation by The World Brands Foundation by The Brandlaureate 的奖项。 Reviewed by JBeeLives 优惠街 on 7/18/2020 10:46:00 上午 Rating: 5
