摩登生活家居展销会即将再次莅临Sutera Square, Skudai(五福城广场 )

大家熟悉的摩登生活家居展销会即将再次莅临Sutera Square, Skudai(五福城广场)! 

Yeah!  柔佛的朋友们一起欢呼哦!

最值得提醒大家的好康就是——在这里消费是有受[消费者保护措施]保障的, 这里汇集了多间家居品牌与超值优惠促销,绝对是你省钱消费的好去处! 

1) 还有在4月27和28日就有母亲节特别优惠赠品给首30位到场的妈妈们!
2) 凡消费 RM 500 元就能以 PWP的超低 RM 1元起就能购得指定商品!
3) 到现场注册出席还有机会参加幸运抽奖赢走以下奖品!
- U Dream Massage Chair 价值 RM 3999 由Zero Healthcare 赞助
4) 5月1日 9PM的幸运抽奖,让你有机会赢取
- 首奖 L-shape Sofa 由 The White赞助
- 二奖 Queen Size Mattress by Milano Furnishing Centre
- 三奖 Samsung 32" HD TV


就在 4月27日至 5月1日 而已哦!

约定你们啦! 在 4月27日当日,也不要错过我们的现场直播分享实况!不见不散! 敬请期待啦!

🏠 Modern Living Home Expo 🏠
Venue: Sutera Square, Skudai (behind Sutera Mall)
Date: 27 Apr - 1 May 2018, 11am - 10pm
📍Waze: (Sutera Square) https\://waze.to/lr/hw238xh71z
Horray ! 
Modern Living Home Expo is back to Sutera Square, Skudai on 27 April -1 May 2018

There are exclusive offer along with popular home and furniture brands, hence, it's a good deal to upgrade your home now with more saving!
The organizer secured consumer right by giving safest shopping experience with 🛡️Consumer Protection🛡️ authorized by MTPN.
Stay tuned👉 GOGOGO to pay visit, see you there!
Participated Brands:
LG, Samsung, Fotile, King Koil, Getha, Capella, Gucca, Zero Massage, Ecovacs …etc

摩登生活家居展销会即将再次莅临Sutera Square, Skudai(五福城广场 ) 摩登生活家居展销会即将再次莅临Sutera Square, Skudai(五福城广场 ) Reviewed by JBeeLives 优惠街 on 4/18/2018 12:27:00 下午 Rating: 5
