《优惠每天有 Promotion》MARRYBROWN为大马人推出令人垂涎的麻辣脆香鸡! MALAYSIANS TO MALA-TUP WITH MARRYBROWN’S MALA FRIED CHICKEN! Marrybrown最新餐点 – 麻辣脆香鸡,它香辣扑鼻、麻辣的味道绝对能够刺激并慰藉您的味蕾。


大马人快准备迎接这爆炸性的挑战吧!马来西亚最大的本土清真连锁快餐品牌Marrybrown再次为国人推出最新香辣扑鼻,麻麻辣辣令人垂涎的餐点:MB 麻辣脆香鸡!其将于2020年10月28日至2020年12月13日正式推出,Marrybrown最新餐点绝对能够满足国人的味蕾特别是那些无辣不欢的民众。

秉持着一直以来坚持的铭言,Marrybrown的最新 ”别出心裁” 餐点融合了特别腌制的四川花椒以及辣椒干 – 给予前所未有的辛辣美食之旅。爱吃麻辣的粉丝在品尝第一口时即可体验到饱满的味道,再来一阵超浓郁的麻辣香,麻麻辣辣的味道鲜香劲爽,燃爆舌尖。


“大马人与辣酱调料一直维持着爱恨交加的情感,我们也非常喜欢在研发新餐点时采用这些特制的调料!无论是我们的椰香饭或是普遍的煮炒餐点,大马人都特爱添加些许辣酱调料。这些年来我们也关注起这份依然在马来西亚广受喜爱的麻辣潮,因此我们想要把麻辣的风味融入菜单中,将我们独创的清真版本献给大家享用,” 拿督廖丰顺说道。


大马人可通过4种不同的选择享用Marrybrown美味辛辣口味的MB麻辣脆香鸡! 喜爱超辣口味脆香鸡的粉丝能够选择2片麻辣脆香鸡套餐或3片麻辣脆香鸡套餐 – 两份套餐都同样搭配了马铃薯泥和新鲜蔬菜沙拉。


粉丝们可以选择Marrybrown特制的麻辣鸡粥套餐 – 享用一整口热乎乎的鸡粥得以缓和麻辣脆香鸡在您口中留下的麻辣味,这绝对是让您能够在享受辣的同时也能得到适度缓解的最佳选择!

至于那些已经准备好迎接爆炸性的麻辣挑战的粉丝们,第四种选择 – 麻辣盒套餐将会是最佳的选择,它搭配了麻辣脆香鸡,饱满多汁的鸡肉汉堡,蔬菜沙拉以及香脆洋葱圈。粉丝们也能够另外添加特制的麻辣薯条。


“多年以来,Marrybrown坚持推出各种美味可口的经典佳肴。其中不变的是我们一直坚持的目标–不断为我们的粉丝研发独特且美味的餐点,例如我们最新的MB麻辣脆香鸡,” 拿督廖丰顺总结说。


Marrybrown’s new Mala Fried Chicken guaranteed to bring Malaysians’ taste buds on a fiery journey.

Get ready for an explosive one this time Malaysians! Largest homegrown Halal fast-food chain, Marrybrown, ups the ante with the introduction of their brand-new, mouth-numbingly yet delectable menu: MB Mala Fried Chicken! Taking off from 28 October 2020 till 13 December 2020, Marrybrown’s latest menu is guaranteed to bring the heat especially for those who fear no spice in their life. 

Staying true to their motto, Marrybrown’s latest “something different” is a combination of perfectly
marinated Sichuan chilli pepper with dried chilli – ensuring a piquant gastronomic journey like no
other. Mala lovers can anticipate a punch of flavours at first bite before the intense fiery flavour of
the fried chicken MALA-tup in the mouth, leaving the tongue numb and feeling burnt.

According to Dato’ Joshua Liew, Chief Executive Officer of Marrybrown, the main inspiration in
generating this unique tasting menu was none other than Malaysians themselves and their undying
love of adding spice to their lives, while also riding on the trend of the Mala boom.

“Malaysians always have a love-hate relationship with their spices, yet we truly love having them in
our food - it’s like we caught this addictive love bug! Whether it is in our Nasi Lemak or our normal
stir-fry dishes, Malaysians are constantly adding on the spice due to the kick it gives. Because of this
Mala mania we are seeing over the years now, we want to incorporate Mala into our menu and
introduce our very own halal version for everyone to enjoy,” said Dato’ Joshua.

“When creating this flavour, we at Marrybrown are adamant in ensuring the mouth-numbing Mala
taste blends well with the additional spices so that Marrybrown fans can enjoy the wholesome taste
with the right level of spiciness, as oppose to a flavour that is too overpowering.”

Malaysians can chow-down on Marrybrown’s hot and peppery MB Mala Fried Chicken in not just
one but four different ways! Spicy-seeking fried chicken lovers have the option to satiate their Mala
cravings either with the succulent 2-pc MALA Chicken combo meal or 3-pc Mala Chicken combo
meal – both deliciously paired with a bountiful portion of mashed potato and fresh vegetable salad.
For those who prefer a milder level of spice, Marrybrown has prepared a suitable dish that will still
allow you to enjoy the rich Mala flavour. Fans have the option to indulge in the MALA Bubur Ayam
Combo - eating a spoonful of a heart-warming bowl of porridge will ease off the spiciness of the
Mala Fried Chicken, yet still allow you to get a taste of the Mala hype!

As for those who are brave to tackle the challenge of the overall Mala experience, the fourth option,
Mala Box Meal would be the best alternative as it is a combination of the fiery Mala Fried Chicken, a
juicy Chicken Burger, vegetable salad, and the well-loved crispy onion rings. Fans can also add on the
spice with the uniquely seasoned Mala fries to chomp on.

Priced from RM 14.60 and above, all four combo meals are served with a refreshing cup of Coca-Cola
to help beat the heat.

“Throughout our years of service, Marrybrown has released a variety of mouth-watering and
delicious goodness for all our fans. However, there’s one thing that will never change, which is our
goal to continuously strive and provide the best to our fans and always to create something different
yet delicious for every person who walks through our doors, such as our latest MB Mala Fried
Chicken,” concluded Dato’ Joshua.

Marrybrown currently serves millions of customers in more than 500 restaurants across 16 countries
with the objective of delivering the highest standard of quality, service, cleanliness and value for
your perfect dining experience – be it in the outlet or at home.





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《优惠每天有 Promotion》MARRYBROWN为大马人推出令人垂涎的麻辣脆香鸡! MALAYSIANS TO MALA-TUP WITH MARRYBROWN’S MALA FRIED CHICKEN! Marrybrown最新餐点 – 麻辣脆香鸡,它香辣扑鼻、麻辣的味道绝对能够刺激并慰藉您的味蕾。 《优惠每天有 Promotion》MARRYBROWN为大马人推出令人垂涎的麻辣脆香鸡! MALAYSIANS TO MALA-TUP WITH MARRYBROWN’S MALA FRIED CHICKEN! Marrybrown最新餐点 – 麻辣脆香鸡,它香辣扑鼻、麻辣的味道绝对能够刺激并慰藉您的味蕾。 Reviewed by JBeeLives 优惠街 on 11/07/2020 11:19:00 上午 Rating: 5
